Tuesday 2 July 2013

Transitions and Repose

To play with the notion of flow, creating modules of temporary repose. The space is seen from every way, every direction is exposed to be seen. Form needs to be alive in every dimension, the architecture of the space both fixed and yet responsive enough not to be static. You, dear viewer, need to move through this space. Tasting what catches the eye.

If there is a detail, then be bold and rely on texture to carry the vision to a place to be held. Bring the edges to meet one another plainly, and acknowledge their meeting. At the edges there is most to gain, being at the most vulnerable point reveals the most. The hard becomes the soft, the soft transmutes to a corner.

Blending the soft with the straight, framing the movement can speed the flow. The eye can encompass but a part. The whole is created from the sum total of the instances, and then we fill in the missing parts within the mind. Suggest what may be and the eye-mind will complete the picture. The garden becomes a space of music for the senses; eyes to taste with, the hands to scent, the tongue to see form beyond form. To imagine the unknowable. 


Hide and reveal, opening and closing, showing and hiding, creating rhythm, and the beats of the cymbal snaps pulsing. Flow is dance, being alive is dance, recognising this is to dance whilst becoming into Self. Within the landscape is created. Paths take us somewhere, transitions of being here to being there. Arriving somewhere.

The long view plays against detail that draws the eye into emotion and feeling. The heart runs, stretches out as time becomes a factor. Being drawn out it follows a defined path, a determination, an intention to be somewhere. To find an identity through the movement through time and space.

all photos private garden, Cheshire, England.

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